Medication Management

Medication Management is the administration and monitoring of medication for the purpose of alleviating or stabilizing symptoms for certain pain conditions. Pain medicines, whether they’re over-the-counter or prescription strength can help patient’s manage chronic pain and other types of pain. They are powerful drugs, so it’s important to use them with care.

As a the Pain and Spine Specialists patient, you need to be aware of the possible side effects and interactions with other drugs and supplements they may be taking and should always follow the directions on the label on your doctor’s prescription.



Q: What is Medication Management?

Medication Management is the administration and monitoring of medication for the purpose of alleviating or stabilizing symptoms for certain pain conditions.

Q: Will the doctor help manage the medication I’m taking for pain?

Yes, it will be a collaborative effort between you and your the Pain and Spine Specialists provider. He or she will focus on helping you understand your medications; how they work together, and the importance of taking them at the appropriate times, with the goal of improving your overall health.

Q: Does the Pain and Spine Specialists require frequent urine testing?

Yes, as a the Pain and Spine Specialists patient you will be required to provide a urine sample at various times throughout your treatment period.

Q: What type of pain medication will my doctor prescribe?

Your the Pain and Spine Specialists provider will determine the best course of treatment for your pain and your personal treatment plan may include some type of medication. The length of your treatment plan will be determined and managed by your the Pain and Spine Specialists doctor.

Q: Should I be concerned about using medication to treat pain?

No need to worry if you follow your personalized treatment plan. Our providers have found that it’s best to start with the safest drugs at the lowest effective dose for the shortest amount of time and work up from there, if needed.

Life Begins Where Pain Ends

If you are experiencing chronic or acute pain, our team of experts can help determine what treatment plans would be right for you. Schedule an evaluation today at the Pain and Spine Specialists.

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